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Is Your Millennial Ready to Inherit?

Just the question alone can cause a little anxiety. Those of us who have teenagers or have raised teenagers know how challenging it can be. We know that Millennials (born between 1981 and 1985) and Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2015) have ideas… Read More
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4 Misconceptions about Trusts

1. You still must go through probate. This is false. In fact, one of the primary reasons to have a revocable trust is to avoid probate. If you transfer your property into the name of your trust while you are living, then for any property not included… Read More
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Types of Advance Directives

When advising clients on estate planning, advance directives are discussed. An Advance Directive is a legal document used to give instructions to your physicians about your healthcare. In Texas, there are three types of advance directives. The three… Read More
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Paying Debts After Death

Last week I heard someone say that they plan to run up their credit card bills before they die. I think the statement was made in jest. However, it gave me an idea to include the subject on a blog. What happens to your credit card debts, car loan, mo… Read More
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Prepare for Will Contest

In my experience, nothing causes a person to show their true colors than when money is involved. When your children are expecting to inherit your property upon your death, but your will excludes one of the children or provides for an unequal distribu… Read More
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Your Inheritance May Come with a Debt

Inheriting a Mortgage You may have seen movies where someone inherits a house from a rich aunt they have never met. The movie director focuses on the wonderful surprise on the new owner’s face, but for some reason they don’t show the surprise loo… Read More
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Providing for Your Special Needs Child

Help for Parents of Special Needs Children Parents of special needs children share a common concern. How to continue providing for their special needs children after both parents have passed away? A carefully drafted estate plan can avoid disqualifyi… Read More
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The Texas Case of the Film Noir Actress

Film Noir Movies Film Noir movies may sound like a strange topic for a legal blog. However, when you realize everybody dies and family members will fight for love and money, estate planning issues touch everyone. Even Hollywood actresses in a San Ant… Read More
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When Life Support is Futile

Texas 10-Day Rule Few things are worse than having a spouse, child or other loved one kept alive by a ventilator or other life support equipment. A worse thing would be if you want to keep your loved one on life support, but the hospital refuses. Som… Read More
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Who Owns Your Bank Account?

Do you know who owns the money in your bank account when you die? The forms you filled out at your bank when you opened your account may very well determine who owns the funds in your bank account upon your death. Unfortunately, many of us don’t re… Read More
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